Friday, February 7, 2014

Double trouble! Eddie Murphy's bad girls strip to launch modelling career

IT'S time to remember a new set of names… for these two ladies look set to rival fellow fashionistas who are the offspring of famous folks.
 Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy's daughters, Bria Murphy, Shayne MurphyNEW CAREER: Eddie Murphy's daughters Bria and Shayne pose in debut shoot 

And it's time for the Geldof girls and Jenner brats to shimmy over to the far side of the catwalk and welcome in Eddie Murphy's double trouble daughters.

Bria and Shayne are hoping to make a name for themselves in their own right and away from their father's A-list shadow, launching a career as models together.

In their glamorous shoot, the sisters strip to their undies for photographer Dimitri Ray, lounging on the sheets at their Beverly Hills mansion to shake what their mama gave them.
Bria, 24, has previously dabbled with the industry, but it is the first time for 19-year-old Shayne.
Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy's daughters, Bria Murphy, Shayne Murphy
SMOKIN': Bria strikes rear-ly cheeky pose 
Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy's daughters, Bria Murphy, Shayne Murphy REMEMBER HER NAME: Shayne's half-sister is the daughter of Mel B 
Baby of the duo Shayne can be seen on her knees, tugging seductively at her vest while flaunting sideboobage and sidebooty in black undies.

With her hair bobbing in ebony ringlets, the Lolita locks are in stark contrast to the sheer lace lingerie and vampy nail polish adorning her body.

Meanwhile, Bria's equally cutesy curls bounce around her face as she coyly spins to camera while exposing a derrière that Kim Kardashian would be envious of.

The girls' parents are no longer together, with Eddie having divorced former model Nicole Mitchell nearly a decade ago following 13 years of marriage.

After their split in 2006, Eddie began dating Spice Girl Mel B, and is the father to her child Angel.
While obviously no blood relations, these two look like they could rival Scary in the wild stakes...
Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy's daughters, Bria Murphy, Shayne Murphy NATURAL BORN POSER: Bria is the elder of the two at 24 
Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy's daughters, Bria Murphy, Shayne Murphy Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy's daughters, Bria Murphy, Shayne Murphy

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