A STREET was under dirty-bomb attack from 50,000 starlings last night.
STARTLING: The flock above the street in Herefordshire and the damage they do to cars with their droppings
His neighbour Walter Bloomfield, 71, added: “When you go outside you have to wear a hat or a hood.”
Some residents cannot sleep because of the noise from the starlings as they roost in a giant leylandii hedge on the Bulmer’s cider plant nearby.
The flock arrived last month from Scandinavia. They have stayed longer than usual because of the UK’s mild winter.
Herefordshire Council said: “Starlings are protected wild birds so we will not take action.”
Heineken, which owns the cider factory, said it may cut the hedge.
STARTLING: The flock above the street in Herefordshire and the damage they do to cars with their droppings
The huge flock blitzes families with their droppings before roosting in trees nearby.
Residents in besieged Macmillan Close, Hereford, are comparing their plight to Alfred Hitchcock’s chilling 1963 movie The Birds.
But even master of suspense Hitchcock held back from screening the poo-bombs that pepper the area daily.
Resident Steve Payne said: “The starlings are quite a sight – but it’s just awful for us.
“The street and pavements are covered in bird muck, which is a safety hazard if people slip on it.
“You can’t put washing out and we are having to clean cars every day.
“Last night I even had to take an umbrella out with me.”
Some residents cannot sleep because of the noise from the starlings as they roost in a giant leylandii hedge on the Bulmer’s cider plant nearby.
The flock arrived last month from Scandinavia. They have stayed longer than usual because of the UK’s mild winter.
Herefordshire Council said: “Starlings are protected wild birds so we will not take action.”
Heineken, which owns the cider factory, said it may cut the hedge.
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