Protecting Chad's elephants from poachers
"See that baby drinking?" he asks, as he dips the left wing over a watering hole.
It's something Chad's Zakouma National Park has been without for nearly five years.
Large-scale Sudanese
poaching operations from across the border have decimated the park's
In the span of just a few years they slaughtered 90% of the
park's elephant population. Labuschagne, the park's director, says until
now, the survivors were too traumatized to mate.
But the park is also
surrounded by conflict. To the east is Darfur, to the south, Central
African Republic, and to the west is Nigeria.
"There were less weapons
in the past," says Idriss Déby, President of Chad. "Today all around us
there are more weapons and more men who can use them. Poaching has no
borders. All of this leads us to believe that national security, and
regional security may be threatened by the poachers."
We fly towards the park's
northern boundary, the landscape below dotted with nomad tents and
their livestock, and the occasional camel caravan crossing ancient
trading tracks. The terrain here is rugged, lawless and largely
inaccessible by car, making it ideal for poachers.
It's been that way for
centuries, Labuschagne tells us from his pilot's seat. Hunting elephants
here is nothing new. What is, are the weapons and tactics.
"They operate in small
groups, they are usually about four to five people on horseback, they've
got good communication systems, satellite phones, local phones," he
says. "They are absolute professionals in what they do. Except the
shooting — it's just done in a massacre way. They just machine gun as
many as they can, shoot as many as they can, get the ivory and then move
In September 2012,
African Parks, which manages Zakouma, saw six of its rangers killed in a
sophisticated three-pronged strike on their hillside outpost. Piles of
stones mark the graves where they were buried. Dark patches still
outline where the tents once stood, burnt to the ground by the poachers.
It's the first time one of the ranger's sons, 18-year-old Issa Idris, has visited the site where his father was slain.
"I am remembering
everything about him, what he must have been doing, what happened to
him," Idris says in hushed tones, his eyes filled with pain.
The attack, Labuschagne tells us, was revenge for a raid his rangers conducted on the poacher's camp just weeks before.
Evidence collected from
the camp gave Labuschagne more evidence into just what they were up
against. They found thousands of rounds of ammunition, satellite phones
containing images of hundreds of slaughtered elephants that matched
those of carcasses in Cameroon, linking the poachers to one of the
biggest elephant slaughters in decades.
Also recovered at the
site were Sudanese military uniforms, one identified as similar to those
issued to Sudan's Abu Tira paramilitary service, notorious for its
brutality and linked to atrocities in Darfur, and a stamped leave slip
from the Sudanese Army.
This month, the park, with the help of an outside agency, traced the ammunitions back to Khartoum.
Sudan's Minister of
Information, Ahmed Bilal Osman, denies the military link. "Sudan has an
ammunition factory, but the presence of Sudanese ammunition in Chad may
have occurred in many different ways," he said. "Sudan gets blamed for
The war in neighboring
Central African Republic is bringing even more threats. As Chadians
living in the CAR flee the violence many return to the area which
borders the park, where they have roots.
Like so many others,
Amin Younes, 29, is coming home to escape the violence. His wife and
three-year-old daughter were brutally murdered.
'Machetes -- I didn't
have the courage to look at them," he tells us as he unloads his luggage
at a repatriation center. "My heart wouldn't let me look at them."
He's hoping to escape
the haunting memory and says he'll try to look for work in agriculture.
But the influx of refugees, some of whom have weapons from the conflict,
ties to the military or the Seleka rebels is a concern to local
leaders. There aren't enough jobs here to go around and poaching is
lucrative, especially for those battle-hardened.
Since taking control of
the park in 2010, Labuschagne's employer, the non-profit African Parks,
has managed to keep the remaining elephants relatively safe.
Labuschagne's team are collaring elephants, allowing them to track and
respond to threats with younger, more highly trained rangers. He tells
us that one of central Africa's largest herds is secure for now.
But, he says, "we have to prepare ourselves. We will become a target again in the future."
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