Tuesday, February 11, 2014

These travel destinations have surprising secrets

Playa de Amor. Picture: Cplbasilisk, Flickr
Playa de Amor. Picture: Cplbasilisk, Flickr 
 WHAT makes travel so special is the way every trip can feel like an adventure. Unfortunately, when great locations are completely overwhelmed by thousands of visitors, some of the wonder fades away. Tacky tourist attractions tend to detract from the rewarding sense of discovery that comes with visiting a new place for the first time. 
But don’t give up hope; there are still plenty of places to see if you crave a sense of discovery! Here are three travel locations with surprising secret spots that most tourists have never heard of. Some are haunted, some are hidden and some are just downright cool.

Hidden water sites in Mexico
Tourists flock to the warm waters of Mexico every year for some fun in the sun. While many of Mexico’s sandy beaches are beautiful, none are quite as exciting as Playa del Amor or Hidden Beach. This beach is located in the mouth of the Banderas Bay as part of the beautiful Las Marietas Islands, about 32 kilometres off the coast of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

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