Friday, January 31, 2014

Man turns house into work of art - by decorating it with 75,000 beer cans

ONE man has taken his love of beer to a whole new level – and decorated his house with thousands of cans.


Phil Muspratt, a retired bus driver from Hartlepool, decorated his home and garden with thousands of shiny cans and bottles.

Using a collection that started in 2005 he created stunning shapes on the walls of his house and built ornamental fountains and BBQs.

He has used 75,000 aluminum beer cans and bottles to create an eye-catching abode.
DOORFRAME: He used 75,000 cans and bottles to build his masterpiece DOORFRAME: He used 75,000 cans and bottles to build his masterpiece 
CROSS: He created a religious symbol using beer bottles CROSS: He created a religious symbol using beer bottles 
Phil, 61, told the Hartlepool Mail: “Quite a lot of people have commented on the house.

"I never thought I would get this response when I started off.”

The house has caused a stir locally, with tourists asking if it is part of a world record attempt.
BEER: The owner must have had to drink a fair few cans for this building
BEER: The owner must have had to drink a fair few cans for this building
Phil, 61, told the Hartlepool Mail: “Quite a lot of people have commented on the house.

"I never thought I would get this response when I started off.”

The house has caused quite a stir locally, with tourists asking if it is part of a world record attempt.
DEDICATION: An entire wall is covered in cans DEDICATION: An entire wall is covered in cans
DETAIL: He made the pattern interesting with different colours and textures DETAIL: He made the pattern interesting with different colours and textures 

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