Friday, January 24, 2014

How's that for an opinion? Ollie flips his lid after Luisa labels him 'embarrassing'

OLLIE Locke has been blasted by Big Brother and his housemates for sitting on the fence.

Ollie Locke, CBB, Celebrity Big Brother OUTRAGED: Ollie finally found himself involved in a house spat

So in order to break out of his shell, the Made In Chelsea sweetheart finally got himself involved in a house spat with – who else? – resident controversy-stirrer Luisa Zissman.

After the floppy-haired fan favourite found himself up for eviction after being nominated by Lee and Linda, Ollie decided to stand up for himself and point out the flaws in their nomination reasons.

When Linda chose him for the chop because he "has no balls", Ollie stood up and explained to the group that he never had to stand up for himself because he never got into an argument with anyone.
In an emotional speech, the reality star said: "There's not been one moment in this house I've had to stand up for myself, because I haven't had an argument with one person in this place. I've just stayed out of everyone's s***.
Luisa Zissman, Celebrity Big Brother ONE STOP CATFIGHT SHOP: Luisa couldn't keep her opinions on Ollie's speech to herself 
Ollie Locke, Celebrity Big Brother TIME TO SPEAK UP: Ollie didn't let Luisa's comments pass 

"I'm not trying to be Mr Martyr, I just wanted to stick up for myself."
But while Jim and Lee rewarded the speech with a smattering of applause, Luisa and Linda weren't so impressed – and told the peacemaker exactly what they thought.

The ever-tactful Luisa later told him in the bedroom: "Ollie, it was the most self-indulgent display I've ever seen in my life and I'me embarrassed for you. I can't believe you did that, I think it's awful.

"You've made everyone sit there and you addressed the group and basically told everyone that you were nominated because you're fabulous and that you're such a nice person. I just think it's embarrassing."

Linda agreed with the feisty businesswoman's comments, leaving Ollie gobsmacked.
In an attempt to keep his new, outspoken alter ego in the building, he retaliated: "All I wanted to do was to just speak up for myself and be like, this is how I feel. I haven't spoke up once in this house, I've had s*** from everyone for it, I'm getting nominated for it, and I just wanted to stand up and say, OK, the nominations situation is because of this, just to try and make the situation better for our house.

Linda Nolan, Celebrity Big Brother NOT IMPRESSED: Linda claimed that Ollie had no opinions... but didn't like him making an opinionated speech
"I want to make it easier for everyone. And I'm getting s*** for this! It's completely out of order. I love you Lu, it really hurts because I love you to bits."

Most other housemates would gaze into Ollie's puppy dog eyes and apologise immediately, but Luisa stuck to her guns, and continued to label his speech "hilarious" and "embarrassing".

Before storming out of the room, an upset Ollie said: "You should have just said 'that's a bit much', you didn't have to make a song and dance about it, that isn't fair Lu. Honestly I can't win. I apologise for standing up and I won't do it again, for f**** sake."

Today, Ollie received a half-hearted apology from Linda, who claimed his speech was "a bit too dramatic for her" – but no sign of a white flag from Luisa as yet.
Now all we need is for Lulu to take down mild-mannered Sam and she'll be on her way to a full house of housemate spats.
Ollie Locke, Linda Nolan, Celebrity Big Brother STAND DOWN: Linda offered an apology to Ollie the next day 

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