Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tragic end to dream holiday: Last pic of murdered Brit sailor

MURDERED yachtsman Roger Pratt’s family say they are “shocked and shattered” by his brutal Caribbean killing.

st lucia, murder, pirates, hostage, defence, caribbean, couple, kill, died, roger pratt, family, brutal, water, drowned, wife, suffolk, armed bandits, gunsBEFORE THE HORROR: The couple relax on their yacht

Sister-in-law Jenny Riley revealed that Roger, who died defending wife Margaret from pirates, had spent years planning the “dream” voyage.

Jenny, from Beccles, Suffolk, said Margaret was “badly beaten up” by armed bandits who boarded the yacht off St Lucia on Friday.
Roger, 62, and Margaret, from Moreton Paddox, Warks, had celebrated her 60th birthday just a few days before the attack.

Margaret has now been discharged from hospital and has returned to the yacht.
Jenny, a schoolteacher, said Margaret was doing all she could to help police.
She added: “She has been badly beaten up but she will pull through.

“It’s a shocking and tragic end to their dream and we’re all coming to terms with it as best we can.
“Margaret is very strong and she’s very busy. There’s a lot to do.
“At the moment she is concentrating on that and that focus is helping her keep it together.”
She spoke as the last picture of Roger, taken just hours before he was stabbed to death, was revealed yesterday.

LAST MEMORY: Shortly after this picture was taken Roger was brutally murdered 
The image shows him walking beside a horse on the day he died.
Photos of the alleged pirates’ ramshackle rowing boat also emerged.
Jenny and her husband Bryan had visited the couple in Martinique over Christmas.

She added: “They had been planning the trip for years and sailing across the Atlantic to explore the Caribbean was Roger’s dream.

“They were both experienced sailors and had sailed dinghies and keel boats since they were children.”
Three suspects are in custody.
Detectives have revealed Margaret discovered her husband’s body floating in the water.

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